A Different Kind of Miracle

2023 has been a beautiful year. But it wasn’t at all what I expected. 

At the start of the year, my church donned this “the year of miracles.” 

Which in my mind translated as checking off my dreams and desires left and right, with no struggle in between.

That’s not quite how things went. 

I did get many things I wanted…

My biggest corporate client signed a three-year contract with my consulting business. 

I got to travel the country as an ambassador for a non-profit called The Hoop Bus, doing some really cool things (more on that another time).

And I’m part of two new projects that basically feel like what I was born to do. 

But… you know there was a but...lol

The first five months of the year - before those things happened - had me at some of my lowest points in a long time, questioning if miracles were even possible.  

Being transparent, I almost quit everything I was working towards. I was literally like, “God, What The Heck?!”

But in talking to Him through it all, He continued to repeat a phrase that sustained me. He’d gently say,

“Miracles happen inside you first.”

And that’s the truth. Miracles are often what we experience inside before we see them outside. 

It reminds me of Romans 5:3-4:

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

The first miracle is the character that’s born on the journey God allows. That’s the inside miracle. 

It’s the choice to let go of the sin you love - that is also sabotaging your life - and replace it with behavior that pleases God.

It’s the transformation of a heart too hard to consider God, to one soft enough to worship Him. 

It’s developing the faith that allows you to be gentle instead of combative in situations that feel threatening. 

And so many more.

The miracles happen inside you first. 

Then God blesses the inside miracle of who we’ve become with outside miracles of doors He’s able to open for that person.

So I don’t know how this year has gone for you, whether it’s been full of inside or outside miracles. 

Either way, this is your reminder to embrace what God is doing, thank Him for His work, and celebrate ALL the miracles along the way… 

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)

Talk to you again soon!

XOXO - Chantelle


How to Guard Your Heart